Create a service account.
POST /api/admin/service-account
Creates a new service account.
- application/json
- username string
The username of the service account
- name string
The name of the service account
- rootRole integer required
The id of the root role for the service account
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 409
- 415
The resource was successfully created.
Response Headers
location string
The location of the newly created resource.
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- id number required
The service account id
- isAPI boolean deprecated
Deprecated: for internal use only, should not be exposed through the API
- name string
The name of the service account
- email string deprecated
Deprecated: service accounts don't have emails associated with them
- username string
The service account username
- imageUrl string
The service account image url
- inviteLink string deprecated
Deprecated: service accounts cannot be invited via an invitation link
- loginAttempts number deprecated
Deprecated: service accounts cannot log in to Unleash
- emailSent boolean deprecated
Deprecated: internal use only
- rootRole integer
The root role id associated with the service account
- seenAt date-time nullable deprecated
Deprecated. This property is always
. To find out when a service account was last seen, check itstokens
list and refer to each token'slastSeen
property instead. - createdAt date-time
The service account creation date
tokens object[]
The list of tokens associated with the service account
Array [id integerPossible values:
>= 1
The unique identification number for this Personal Access Token. (This property is set by Unleash when the token is created and cannot be set manually: if you provide a value when creating a PAT, Unleash will ignore it.)
secret stringThe token used for authentication. (This property is set by Unleash when the token is created and cannot be set manually: if you provide a value when creating a PAT, Unleash will ignore it.)
expiresAt date-timeThe token's expiration date.
createdAt date-timeWhen the token was created. (This property is set by Unleash when the token is created and cannot be set manually: if you provide a value when creating a PAT, Unleash will ignore it.)
seenAt date-time nullableWhen the token was last seen/used to authenticate with.
if it has not been used yet. (This property is set by Unleash when the token is created and cannot be set manually: if you provide a value when creating a PAT, Unleash will ignore it.)]
"id": 54321,
"name": "My Service Account",
"username": "my-service-account",
"imageUrl": "",
"rootRole": 1,
"createdAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"tokens": [
"id": 1,
"secret": "user:xyzrandomstring",
"expiresAt": "2023-04-19T08:15:14.000Z",
"createdAt": "2023-04-19T08:15:14.000Z",
"seenAt": "2023-04-19T08:15:14.000Z"
The request data does not match what we expect.
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- id string
The ID of the error instance
- name string
The name of the error kind
- message string
A description of what went wrong.
"id": "9c40958a-daac-400e-98fb-3bb438567008",
"name": "ValidationError",
"message": "The request payload you provided doesn't conform to the schema. The .parameters property should be object. You sent []."
Authorization information is missing or invalid. Provide a valid API token as the authorization
header, e.g. authorization:*.*.my-admin-token
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- id string
The ID of the error instance
- name string
The name of the error kind
- message string
A description of what went wrong.
"id": "9c40958a-daac-400e-98fb-3bb438567008",
"name": "AuthenticationRequired",
"message": "You must log in to use Unleash. Your request had no authorization header, so we could not authorize you. Try logging in at /auth/simple/login."
The provided user credentials are valid, but the user does not have the necessary permissions to perform this operation
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- id string
The ID of the error instance
- name string
The name of the error kind
- message string
A description of what went wrong.
"id": "9c40958a-daac-400e-98fb-3bb438567008",
"name": "NoAccessError",
"message": "You need the \"UPDATE_ADDON\" permission to perform this action in the \"development\" environment."
The provided resource can not be created or updated because it would conflict with the current state of the resource or with an already existing resource, respectively.
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- id string
The ID of the error instance
- name string
The name of the error kind
- message string
A description of what went wrong.
"id": "9c40958a-daac-400e-98fb-3bb438567008",
"name": "NameExistsError",
"message": "There is already a feature called \"my-awesome-feature\"."
The operation does not support request payloads of the provided type. Please ensure that you're using one of the listed payload types and that you have specified the right content type in the "content-type" header.
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- id string
The ID of the error instance
- name string
The name of the error kind
- message string
A description of what went wrong.
"id": "9c40958a-daac-400e-98fb-3bb438567008",
"name": "ContentTypeerror",
"message": "We do not accept the content-type you provided (application/xml). Try using one of the content-types we do accept instead (application/json) and make sure the body is in the corresponding format."